by ASG
SKU 14762
  • The Discoveryline version of the legendary ultra compact sub-machinegun invented and made by the Czech company Ceska Zbrojovka. 
  • This Airsoft version comes with a foldable stock for compact use, fixed Hop-Up for great accuracy and a magazine that holds 14 BB’s.
  • Made entirely from heavyweight ABS plastic, with the weight of the pistol coming in at a decent 600g.
  • Removable single-stack magazine holds 14 rounds.
  • Selector is located on the left side of the frame which allows you to engage the safety.
  • Simply pull back on the charging handle and release it to chamber a BB. The charging handle must be pulled after every shot to load the next BB.
  • Decent power for a spring pistol, coming in at 190fps with a 0.2g BB.
  • Features a fixed hop-up unit for more accurate shooting over distance.
  • It is important to know what to expect before purchasing this pistol. It is not suitable for skimishing and is accurate to approx 8-10 metres. Perfect for fun target shooting or general plinking.
  • Includes approx. 100 BBs and an instruction manual.
  • Fires at: 190fps
  • Weighs: 600g
  • Length: 290mm - 550mm

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