Strike (ASG) Multi-Reticle Red Dot Sight - 22x33mm

by Strike
SKU 15099
  • Strikes latest red dot sight offering, with multi-reticle selection.
  • Unlike other sights that confine you to the use of a single red dot, this sight allows you to choose between four different aiming reticles via a rear selector switch.
  • You can choose between a standard dot, a smaller precision dot, a crosshair or circular target-style reticle. All of these choices illuminate in bright red.
  • Features a 22x33mm optical lense (no magnification).
  • Features 7 different brightness settings, selectable with a rotatable knob.
  • Front of the lens features a red tint for anti-glare protection but is clear when you look through it.
  • Integrated 20mm mount rail.
  • Can be mounted quickly and easily to any 20mm rail system.
  • Very solid metal construction with a matt black finish.
  • A perfect match for all M4/MP5/SCAR/UMP/MP5 AEGs.
  • Feartures full lateral and vertical adjustment of the red reticle via two allen screws, adjustable with the included allen key.
  • Also includes a handy rubberised lens protector.
  • Includes a spare battery. 

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