Tanaka Smith & Wesson M27 3.5" Revolver - Non Firing Prop

by Tanaka
SKU 4537212011457
  • Adopted by many police forces around the world, the M27 pistol is high recognisable and is commonly known as the "357 Magnum". This is the 3.5" barrel version.
  • Note that this is a highly realistic, non BB firing model, It is not possible to load BBs or gas into this model.
  • This beautiful Japanese-made replica from Tanaka weighs in at a hefty 770g and includes a set of fully removable 357-style dummy rounds.
  • Made from a combination of super heavyweight, supreme quality composite plastic, with lots of metal parts, including the hammer, trigger, cylinder release, guide rod, rear sight and dummy rounds.
  • The black finish is matt with a metallic hue; combined with the extreme weight, you would be truly convinced that this is a real, full metal revolver.
  • You can swing the cylinder open just like the real thing, exposing the six empty chambers.
  • The included 357 Magnum shells are beautifully made, full metal items with a hefty 12g weight.
  • Authentic S&W and 357 Magnum markings on the side of the barrel.
  • Imitation wood grips. with embossed S&W emblem.
  • Fires at: Non firing prop
  • Weighs: 770g
  • Length: 255mm


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